Vol 8 Issue 1
Wisdom & Wondering
Gold Net Gallery
This Issue
After Easter: Hope, and Happy Birthday!>>
The Catch of a Lifetime>>
Extended Interview with Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon>>
The Text, Webster, and Intuition>>
Another Really Big Fish Story>>
Rejoice, Hope, and Prayer>>
Easter, Hope, and “Happy Birthday!”>>
“Children, Have You Any Fish?”>>
Springtime Celebrations!>>
My Statement of Faith>>
Wisdom & Wondering
Birthday Merriment>>
Into the Sea>>
Sacred Places>>
I am going out to fish>>
Questions for use with "A Journey of Doubt into Faith"
- Have you ever felt like you've "lost" your faith? Do you know why? What did it feel like?
- How do we know what we believe? Have you owned that belief for yourself or do you merely take it at others' word?
- What does your faith mean to you? Do you know yet?
- Do you feel like you have a belief system you could "fall back on" in a crisis?
- Does everything that happens have a logical, rational explanation?
- Are science and faith necessarily opposites/enemies? Can they coexist? Do you feel that you can believe in God and Science?
- What is your understanding of Science? Does that affect or change your understanding of faith? Do you think Science can be wrong? In your understanding, what does Science prove or not prove?
- Have you ever encountered something you couldn't explain logically based on what you know? How did that feel? How did you resolve that conflict, or have you?
- Do you think that miracles happen today? Have you ever seen or experienced one? What was it like?
- In the Crossing Jordan episode of "Miracles and Wonders", does the fact that the priest moved the body make the results any less miraculous? What about the wounds that were made from the inside out?
- On Prayer, Have you ever felt like your "connection to God" was broken? What did you do to get through it, or have you?
- What is prayer like for you? A conversation? A dialogue? A monologue? Can you simply "open your heart" or are your prayers more formal and memorized? How do you feel about praying?
© 2002 Elizabeth Strickland
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