Vol 8 Issue 2![]() SectionsPriorities This IssuePrioritiesThoughts on “Food, Family, Friends, and Faith: Celebrating Interview with Dr. Nancy Whitt, Quaker/ Grandmother’s Fruitcake Family>> TransitionsTraditionsChristmas Traditions and Transitions>> Sensory Christmas Traditions>> An Interview with Rabbi Jonathan Miller, Temple Emanu-El>> Wisdom & Wondering
TransitionsWisdom and Wanderings CJ or “cj” and her husband are independent singer/songwriters. They take their musical ministry to coffee houses, churches, bars, and outdoor events. They use it to llift others to the Lord and to help support good causes.. Recently, they traveled to Drury University in Missouri to participate in DU-UNCUT, a university production intended for PBS markets…which showcases unsigned singer-songwriters & their art. She is the proud mom of six children…3 biological & 3 grafted in…hand-picked in marriage by her first 3. She is also blessed to have four GRAND-ANGELS! First let’s establish two things: The WHOLE WORLD is FAMILY, and EVERYDAY is a HOLY-DAY…a gift worth celebrating! Hidee Ho Earth Mate Brothers & Sisters, please grab a fresh cup o’ Joe, gather around the screen, and give me five minutes of your time; we need to talk…one-on-one. I have something so very important to share with you, and I pray you will hear me out. Okay here goes: Our FATHER GOD IS ALIVE! That’s right ALIVE…EVER-PRESENT…and perfectly able to COMMUNICATE with us! How Do I Know This? Because three years ago, while we were preparing for a coffee shop performance, a voice called down from the Heavens and flowed thru me. It was the soulful voice of a wise old man. I felt His Heart as though it were my own. I ceased awareness of my own existence, yet tears streamed down my cheeks. HE SANG: “Everything’s gonna be alright…Everything’s gonna be okay Immediately after He Sang, a wonderfully familiar voice called out from behind me, “COME”. Quickly, I rose from the stool, crossed the room, and fell joyously to my knees as tears streamed my face! Standing before me was an ancient holy…a man I knew purely as FATHER! I felt as though a five year old child whose daddy suddenly returned from a long voyage…captivated with delight & overjoyed beyond the ability to speak! He had a long white beard and wore a white robe with long, V-shaped sleeves. Both His beard & sleeves moved gently to the rhythm of a soft breeze. His arms were outstretched, and His hands were wide-open, palms up. He welcomed all. He calls all…there were no borders or boundaries or lines of division! He allowed me to feast upon His Presence. Then He rose Heavenward and allowed me to follow at His Feet. He allowed me to look past Him as He fully filled the narrow Gateway onto the perfect beauty of up rolling green pastureland. He blinded me temporarily and had me drink from a sacred, ancient cup of knowledge; then submerged me wholly in a vessel of warm water. I felt as though we were connected by an umbilical cord, and I was feeding from His Body…or as an infant in my mother’s womb…gaining life from her body. When my sight returned I stood alone at the T-shaped intersection of a Holy Temple made of large rectangular stones. Briefly, I saw a throne or thrones. I heard voices talking…I knew them as the 24 Elders, but had never read scripture & new nothing about the 24 elders mentioned in Revelation. Suddenly, my Father appeared at my side, but He was younger…thirty-ish or so. We walked together thru the long, high ceiling corridor as He told me the story of His Youth. We wound up in a court room……where our plight (yours & mine!!!) was being discussed! It had been decided that we should become FUEL for the rest! Yet, the man whom I simply knew as Father, spoke on our behalf. He explained that negative energy can be transformed into positive if held long enough by the hand in love. It was agreed, but a time limit was set. THAT TIME CLOCK has almost run out! He sent me back with a formula T=W, time equals water. Finally, He sent me on my way with some final thoughts: He said, “It’s too late (so very late). GO NOW. Bring/get/gather as many TO ME as humanly possible, by the hand in love” He added, “I will veil you with myself. I will take the first hit upon my own back. I will not leave you no matter what”. His final words to me that day were: “Don’t forget my people, my family.” Immediately, I understood He meant the Israelites…the Jews. People, I kid you not about any of this! It was SACRED to the HOLY -MEGAPLY! And He has not stopped leading, guiding, directing, and communicating with us since! And ALL of it occurred in the TWINKLING of an EYE, though it seemed as hours or days! And in the TWINKLING of an EYE is just how scripture explains He Will Return! So who do I think HE was? The Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth promised by The Almighty! Born of the Virgin Mary… “And you will call him, Emmanuel (god with us)“! IF you don’t believe me, that‘s okay. Just Pray! Ask Our Father God to show you TRUTH & He Will. But, please, I beg you, act now; don’t wait until Time’s River stops flowing, and The Gateway closes! And the story doesn’t stop here. I can write on for months about all He has shown us. So contact me! We would love to come to your House of Worship and share His Stories…messages & warnings! PEACE to the HIGHEST POWER beneath the Veil of Christ! © 2008 CJ Randolph. All Rights Reserved. | View
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