Vol 8 Issue 1SectionsPriorities This IssuePrioritiesAfter Easter: Hope, and Happy Birthday!>> Extended Interview with Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon>> The Text, Webster, and Intuition>> TransitionsAnother Really Big Fish Story>> TraditionsEaster, Hope, and “Happy Birthday!”>> “Children, Have You Any Fish?”>> Wisdom & WonderingI am going out to fish>>
ArchiveRemember - To Feed Your Faith After enduring the hectic pace of the holidays, I have always enjoyed the peaceful calm of the Easter celebration. For Christians, the apex of our faith is discovered, not at Christmas, but at Easter (or as I prefer to call it, Resurrection). Unlike Christmas when we focus on the Father’s gift of Jesus to mankind, the Resurrection redirects our attention to Jesus’ gift of new life. The Resurrection is a time for us to remember what we used to be and to reflect on how his loving sacrifice has transformed us. "And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no." Deuteronomy 8:2 It is all too easy to plod along day after day and see only the endless road ahead. That is why God encourages us to stop and remember what God has done. I often think of my life in terms of a dam that is leaking. As I walk along plugging the holes in that dam, I often tire and sometimes lose heart. Looking ahead I see the unending length of this leaking structure. But, when I stop for a moment and look back, I see a vast wall that is in a good state of repair. It is for this very purpose God calls us to remember all that he has done for us. He wants us to remember the ways he has cared for and nurtured us. However, God tempers his call to remember with another directive: "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18-19 While God persuades us to remember his mighty works and loving hand, he does not want us to demand that he do the same things in the same ways. Behold, I will do a new thing… Our memory serves to remind us that God has not left us to our own devices. Our memory strengthens our faith to believe that God will, as always, deliver us from destruction. But we are to bear in mind that God’s grace and mercy are new every morning. He will do a new thing in our lives each and every day. Christ did not die for himself. He died for you and me. He died because we needed his help in returning to the Father’s embrace. What is your need today? Healing? Finances? Career? Whatever your need, I can tell you exactly what God is going to do for you. He is going to give you the victory you seek. He is going to exalt his name through you. I know exactly what he is going to do for you…I just do not know HOW he is going to do it. As you celebrate the Resurrection this year, take a moment to reflect on all that he has done for you already. Then be excited to discover how he will do the new thing in your life. © 2005 Dr. Richard Wayne-Fry | View
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