Vol 8 Issue 1SectionsPriorities This IssuePrioritiesAfter Easter: Hope, and Happy Birthday!>> Extended Interview with Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon>> The Text, Webster, and Intuition>> TransitionsAnother Really Big Fish Story>> TraditionsEaster, Hope, and “Happy Birthday!”>> “Children, Have You Any Fish?”>> Wisdom & WonderingI am going out to fish>>
Thoughts on Summer,Sabbath, and Stillness
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating he had done.(Genesis 2: 2,3, NIV) “In the beginning there was only darkness everywhere – darkness and water. And the darkness gathered thick in places, crowding together and then separating, crowding and separating, until at last, out of one of the places where the darkness had crowded there came forth a man. This man wandered through the darkness until he began to think; then he knew himself and that he was a man; he knew that he was there for some purpose.” (As told by Pima Chief Visak-Vo-o-yim (Hovering Hawk) in the “Song of the World”)
As I read that first account of the creation, I started to imagine Sabbath time, how we use, abuse, or do not claim it. Whole articles are written about how we as a society in the United States spend a great deal of money on leisure but actually take very little time off. Rather, we grab at “down time” in snatches, like junk food. Given our current physical issues, I think that it would benefit not only our souls but our bodies to take seriously different ways we can honor Sabbath or “holy” time. How can we reclaim time for God, for resting, reading, painting, cookie-baking, talking to our plants, grooming our pets, playing in the water, dancing, singing, swinging, writing, walking down the street, down the beach or into the woods, day-dreaming, praying, meditating, breathing deeply, or blowing bubbles off of the back porch? Don’t forget the rocking chair for those of us who seem to keep moving anyway... From photography and poetry written in Japan to our Louisiana interview with Rev. Dan Krutz of Churches Uniting in Christ, we are reflecting in the very best of our ecumininet™ online! tradition. Photographers, writers, poets, and, best of all, unique perspectives bring creativity, wisdom and faith-wondering into our souls to lead us in new directions. Thank you for sharing some of your summer and stillness with us. | View
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