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ArchiveAn Interview with Bob Wilson, Vice-Moderator of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church USA ![]() I met Bob when “Race-Relations” Sunday was celebrated at our church so I quickly grabbed my camera and my business card and we swapped email addresses. Here is what Bob has to say about his interesting job as well as how he understands his beliefs, his task as a leader, and his purpose-as-he-understands-it. Janine: Bob, just exactly what is the “General Assembly?” (In the Presbyterian Church USA denomination). What other denominations/church traditions have “General Assemblies?” Bob: The “General Assembly” is the highest church court and is representative of the
The following also have General Assemblies: Presbyterian Church, PCA; Cumberland Presbyterian Church, other Presbyterian church bodies, Disciples of Christ/The Christian Church; All African Conference of Churches; and National Council of Churches USA. These and others that may have General Assemblies are not necessarily structured as the one which is the “highest court” for our denomination. Janine: Can you tell us a little about the Presbyterian Church USA? What does “Presbyterian” mean? Where does it (and the meaning of the word) come from? What are some of the basic beliefs? Bob: Presbyterians in America were first organized in 1706 by Francis McKemie into the Presbytery of Philadelphia with seven ministers and certain elders. The roots of Presbyterianism are in the Bible. The name comes from the Greek word “presbuterous,” translated elder. It points back in the Old Testament to the elders selected by the tribes as their leaders. In the New Testament, it describes the overseers of a local congregation. Basic Beliefs: “In life and death we belong to God;” we believe in God; we believe in Jesus Christ; we believe in the Holy Spirit; we are an image of God; we believe in the Bible; we believe in the Sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Janine: Tell us about being the Vice-Moderator. What does that mean? What are your responsibilities? Bob: The Vice Moderator presided over the 217th General Assembly at the desire of the Moderator. The Vice Moderator also serves as ambassador of the 217th General Assembly to all parts of the denomination for a two-year term. Janine: What brings you the greatest energy in the service of this position? Where do you sense that your purpose-in-life and the purpose of this responsibility “connect?” Bob: I love to listen to the stories around the church where Christians are actively involved in mission and studying and praying about the decisions made at the 217th General Assembly. Rather than making decisions to leave the church due to theological decisions without study and prayer. My purpose in life is to encourage all people to respect each other and to live in with love, faith and hope in peace. The connection is that I’ve always been fulfilling my purpose in a small way in my church, presbytery and synod, but now I have the opportunity to do so within the national and international church. Janine: What struggles do you have with your position? Bob: The inability to answer all the questions, and respond to all issues and concerns of the church from Christians in the pews during my visits. Janine: Tell us about the Bob Wilson-at-home. Where is “home?”
Bob: My home has been in Madison, AL since 1992. I was born/raised in Gastonia, NC and have lived in New Jersey, Illinois, Iowa and Kentucky. My wife is Dr. Patricia I. Wilson, EdD, Retired Professor, AAMU. We have one son and four grandchildren. My hobbies are reading and traveling. My interests are volunteerism, tennis, golf, walking and bicycling. Janine: The theme this issue is “Lent and Easter, Purpose, and Purple.” Thinking about all of those, what would you like to say most about this season of the church year. What means the most to you when you think of Lent or of Easter? And color, what about “purple?” Bob: Lent is a season that we must turn to God and think about how our lives need to change. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days (not including Sundays). Easter is not just one day, but a whole season when we celebrate the resurrected Jesus. The season begins on Easter Sunday and lasts for 50 days (including Sundays). The color purple symbolizes repentance. Janine: Do you have any words of wisdom or a favorite scripture verse that you would like to leave with us? Bob: I seek to be the best vice moderator that I can be because of God’s wisdom and divine guidance and my motto by which I live daily: “I can do all things with the help of Jesus Christ who gives me the strength I need.” Janine’s Note: It is obvious that Bob has the right focus and strength of leadership and faith-focus for the task to which the governing body of his church has elected him. We pray God’s blessing for him as he seeks to build bridges of reflection, prayer and study to help heal the hurts that exist within the faith community. ©2007 ecumininet online! Spiritual Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | View
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