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ArchiveHappy Easter , Earth Mates!
I guess you can say that I’m the new kid on the block—checking in from down here on Freedom Farm Road in Texas town. It’s an honor to be part of the E-zeen team & make some new friends around the globe. Hope everyone is doing well: Body, mind, soul, & spirit. You know, as I think about the mess we humans have made of this BEAUTIFUL WORLD—I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief knowing the Master Planner is at the ultimate Helm of Our Ship, and that He IS RISEN, and that HE HAS A PLAN! As I sit here tonight, writing to you, we don’t know, from one day to the next, what tomorrow holds. We’ve got war going on—and, like they say, it’s never pretty. People are suffering on all sides—military, civilian, and even the world leaders. Whether we agree or disagree is of little significance—it really isn’t up for debate. It’s simply another culture’s perceived reality, from my viewpoint! I’m an old school, O.H…Original Hippie—who still believes that peace is the ultimate goal, but whom fully understands the difficulties associated with achieving it. We all grew up witnessing acceptable behaviors—we inherited our politics and values—no one lied to us about our cultural norms and traditions. Simply put—we are all products of our surroundings. We became “Who We Are” and “What We Will & Won’t Tolerate”—as a result of social conditioning…to one degree or another. By the time we were five years old, we had a pretty strong grasp of right & wrong—at least by the standards of our family, friends, and neighbors. Once we started school, the web got even tighter—more refined. Hard lines of expectation, suspicion, and division etched themselves deeply into our psyches. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule—and sadly enough even the “Golden Rule” falls victim. Okay, we’ve got some serious stuff to chat about, now—In January of 2006, “I AM; I AM your Father” came to me in song and vision! The moment was filled with hope, faith, and love, but His Heart is broken, and He is angry. He is disappointed that we…the people of this nation—this blessed Land of Milk and Honey—have misused what we have been given. In Vision, God stood before me—close enough to touch, yet separated by enormous time and space. He said, “It is late—Go now, Bring as many TO ME as humanly possible, by the hand in love.” He took me into a holy Temple and filled me with sacred, ancient knowledge. It was as though I was an infant still in the womb, drinking from His Living Waters. I saw His 24 Elders; I witnessed them sentence us to become “fuel for the rest”; I witnessed “I AM” stand up in our defense—and explain His Own Belief! He told them that He believes that “negative seed” can be transformed into positive energy if held in perfect love long enough. In this vision, we were given a second chance—A predetermined period of time! But, by His own standards His Plan has failed, and His Heart is broken! There are many people who have yet to take Christ as their savior, and He does not want to leave anyone behind. On May 28, 2006, Our Father shown me a series of storms to cross our nation—the 2nd was Life Altering! He said, “Out of your pain, you will be born of new life.” Our God is gracious and loving, in this vision it came to me that He has issued a last call! Friends, here it is EASTER—and HE IS RISEN—and CALLING OUT OUR NAMES! We are not to be afraid, but to be COMFORTED by HIS PRESENCE—and TO PRAISE HIM! ©2007 CJ Randolph | View
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