Vol 8 Issue 2

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Wisdom & Wondering
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This Issue


Thoughts on “Food, Family, Friends, and Faith: Celebrating
the Holidays!” >>

Interview with Dr. Nancy Whitt, Quaker/

Grandmother’s Fruitcake Family>>

The Cup >>


A Sign of Communion>>

Wisdom and Wanderings>>


Christmas Traditions and Transitions>>

Sensory Christmas Traditions>>

An Interview with Rabbi Jonathan Miller, Temple Emanu-El>>

Wisdom & Wondering

Family Changes>>


Advent I>>

Advent II>>


Thanksgiving, Every Day >>

Ode to Christmas Past >>

“Pentecost, Passion, and Orange”

Ask any woman, young, or older, and she can probably tell you exactly when she wore certain articles of clothing, or jewelry, or shoes, or perfume. We attach our memories to such things. It is a curious fact, but true. It is rather like eating certain foods and the smells evoking particular memories. We wear and remember.



Janine C. Hagan, EditorA number of years ago, I had a bright orange summer dress that I wore especially for Pentecost Sunday. This was before Presbyterians really began to get into using liturgical colors, with red now being the color-for-passion. Somehow I just cannot get into the swing of wearing red. Memories of my orange dress are still haunting me.

I connect that bright orange with the flames of the Holy Spirit. Even the fabric lent it’s story to the moment. There was just something about that dress that helped me to imagine that holy fire that engulfed the apostles. It was as if color and texture sparked the wildfires of my imagination. I could “feel” the energy that poured into the hearts of Peter and the other apostles. I could practically visualize how they were fueled with that combustible spirit-focus. I could wear that dress and get “psyched” to begin a new day celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of Jesus, and a new understanding of God’s purpose-of-love. Sounds pretty earthly and not nearly spiritual enough, but it is true.

Pentecost is the fiftieth day after Passover and is celebrated the seventh Sunday after Easter. It is about the unleashing of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is about the apostles who had lost vision and energy and been given new life through the gift of the Spirit. It is about taking that energy and new gifts-from-it to build a community of faith. The Holy Spirit brings fire into our tired hearts like a new “dress” just for the occasion. When we accept the “putting on” of the Spirit-garment, we can continue the work begun that day so long ago.


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